Showing posts with label FOR XML. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FOR XML. Show all posts

T-SQL and .NET for XSLT

Steps to perform transformation from SQL to XML to XSLT Output data (csv, htm, tab-delim, fixed-width, etc.):

1). Get your SQL data (assuming you are using SQL Server) into XML format via:

 SELECT [OrderId], [PersonId], [OrderDateTime] FROM [Order] FOR XML AUTO, ELEMENTS, ROOT ('Orders');  


2). Load XSL transform file (OrderXform.xsl) into a new XslCompiledTransform object (transform):

       XslCompiledTransform transform = new XslCompiledTransform();  

XSL file used to transform the XML to the desired file output (EDI 834 standard, etc)

3). Using a StringWriter (writer), StringReader (inputReader) and XmlReader (inputXmlReader), read the inputReader XML string into inputXmlReader and apply the XSL transformation to the transform object via: transform.Transform(inputXmlReader, args, writer); //(or another override of Transform())

  using (StringWriter writer = new StringWriter())   
      // Make an XML reader (inputReader) out of the string (input)  
      XmlReader inputXmlReader;   
      using (var inputReader = new StringReader(input))   
       inputXmlReader = XmlReader.Create(inputReader);   
       // Apply the transformation to XmlReader (inputXmlReader) and write it to StringWriter (writer)   
       transform.Transform(inputXmlReader, null, writer);   
      // Retrieve the output as string from writer object  
      return writer.GetStringBuilder().ToString();   

4). Return the result and write the bits (to memory as Label Text for a demo like this, to file, to domain network location, to non-domain customer ftp, etc.).

The result normally gets written to remote SFTP location or posted to API endpoint for processing

Nothing incredibly complex about this, but it seems to frustrate a lot of people in .NET land so I have documented a quick and easy example.

GitHub Source:

Tool for XSLT validation:
