Showing posts with label C#. Show all posts
Showing posts with label C#. Show all posts

How to use .NET User Secrets in MSTest classes

When developing unit and integration tests, we don't necessarily want to share the secret keys and values we use as credentials for APIs, databases, etc.

So similarly to how we implement User Secret functionality in Program.cs, we can implement User Secrets and set test class variables that use the secrets via the MSTest classes' constructor (ReferenceDataTests() below):

  public static string upsId = "";  
  public static string upsSecret = "";  
  private IConfiguration _configuration { get; }  
  public ReferenceDataTests()  
    // set your API ids and secrets in UserSecrets (right-click project: "Manage User Secrets")  
    var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()  
    _configuration = builder.Build(); 
    var secretVals = _configuration.GetChildren().ToList();  
    upsId = secretVals.Where(x => x.Key == "upsId").First().Value!;  
    upsSecret = secretVals.Where(x => x.Key == "upsSecret").First().Value!;   

ASCII art fun with .NET

My friend Benn with a nice largemouth bass

And here we have a simple function. Many thanks to its originator, Thinathayalan Ganesan.

You can find this in the Sonrai.ExtRS Nuget project under Sonrai.ExtRS.FormattingService.ConvertToAscii(Bitmap image) and see how it is used in Sonrai.ExtRS.FormattingTests.ConvertToAsciiSucceeds.

I talked a bit about how ASCII art works in a post on a similar Python script.

  // credit (Thinathayalan Ganesan):  
  public static string ConvertToAscii(Bitmap image)  
    string[] _AsciiChars = { "#", "#", "@", "%", "=", "+", "*", ":", "-", ".", "&nbsp;" };  
    Boolean toggle = false;  
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();  
    for (int h = 0; h < image.Height; h++)  
      for (int w = 0; w < image.Width; w++)  
        Color pixelColor = image.GetPixel(w, h);  
        //Average out the RGB components to find the Gray Color  
        int red = (pixelColor.R + pixelColor.G + pixelColor.B) / 3;  
        int green = (pixelColor.R + pixelColor.G + pixelColor.B) / 3;  
        int blue = (pixelColor.R + pixelColor.G + pixelColor.B) / 3;  
        Color grayColor = Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue);  
        //Use the toggle flag to minimize height-wise stretch  
        if (!toggle)  
          int index = (grayColor.R * 10) / 255;  
      if (!toggle)  
        toggle = true;  
        toggle = false;  
    return sb.ToString();  

The key is the assignment, pixel-by-pixel, of values to the reb, blue and green variables (and then "grayColor" variable) under the comment "Average out the RGB components to find the Gray Color". By getting the average of all colors in the pixel you can get the grayScale RGB color from Color.FromArgb(R, G, B). This grayscale RGB color is then used to select the appropriate ASCII character to represent the shade of gray in each pixel of the image.

  • A darker pixel of an image will use an ASCII character like a "." or "-" or ":".
  • A lighter pixel of an image will use an ASCII character like a "#" or "@" or "%".

In this way we can easily convert an image from its pixel-based source representation to an ASCII character representation. Essentially, a computer image is just a mosaic, or a composite of parts (pixels usually, sometimes ASCII characters- for art and fun!). 😃


ExtRSAuth for Custom SSRS Authentication (works w/newest SSRS version 16.0.8)

Fortunately, ExtRSAuth code doesn't require any updates to work with MSSQL SSRS 2022

ExtRSAuth for custom SSRS security 

This assembly, forked from the Microsoft Custom Security Sample extends and improves custom authentication to allow for mechanisms other than user/pwd credential check and to offer a seamless pass-thru of the Login page if something present in the HttpRequest verifies that user is already authenticated. For instance, the user already has an app token from an app that communicates with the report server, and you require the communications with the report server to not involve any intermediate screen or login UI. The user just wants to auth as fast as possible and get to their report, right?

What does ExtRSAuth do to authenticate SSRS user connections?

For direct URL report server access, the default here is to allow local connections, which grants Admin rights for any local requests. If the SSRS request is external, a fallback option accepts an AES 128-bit encrypted querystring from the calling app, and the application, if decryption works, is authenticated and allowed to communicate using a read-only SSRS user; any exception thrown indicates the request is neither from a local connection nor a secure request from the external app.

ExtRSAuth gives SSRS environments the freedom from MS Active Directory that they deserve

To secure the built-in SSRS REST API v2.0 access, you can simply customize the LogonUser() and VerifyPassword() methods in AutneticationExtension.cs and AuthenticationUtilities.cs, respectively:

If you don't perform a security check here, the SSRS REST API will be open to anyone who knows the SSRS admin username

As you can see, this is but one of many approaches we can take with ExtRSAuth in an SSRS-connected application or business environment. Any type and granularity of custom authentication and level of authorization is possible. The only ingredient needed is a .NET developer or developers willing to customize a pretty basic .NET security model.

Real-world applications

This Custom Auth assembly has been tested with (1) several .NET Framework 4.8 and .NET 5, 6, 7 and 8 web and mobile applications, (2) with the SSRS API and all its operations, (3) with the SSRS /ReportServer and the /Reports management web interface as well as (4) Visual Studio 2022 Reporting Services projects (report designers can seamlessly deploy Report Server projects from VS to the Report Server with ExtRSAuth).

After running InitalizeExtRSAuth.ps1, a successful installation will output the above


This YouTube explainer video describes the SSRS external user authentication problem that ExtRSAuth addresses.

This plug-in relies on SSRS (2016 or later), and a report server configuration as described in Microsoft's Reporting Services Custom Security Sample

-Replace [your_sym_encr_key] with your symmetric encryption key. Clients can encrypt SSRS URL access querystring with Sonrai.ExtRSAuth.Excryption.Encrypt() or a similar 128-bit AES encryption implementation, or modify Encrypt() with any encryption algorithm and key and block sizes.

Clone it, customize it further (or not) and get started today:

Using Azure Key Vault Secrets in ASP.NET Core

This is, in my opinion, one of the coolest features of Azure. Azure Key Vault is a space in Azure where you can add certificates and keys for strings and cryptographic keys that you want to keep safe and don't want inside source control, etc.

Azure Key Vault is like LastPass for your ASP.NET apps- set it and forget it

I've worked with the process for managing keys in AWS and in my experience (each usage/implementaiton is different), AWS Secrets is a slightly less simple process. (meaning it is pretty simple too, but I'm partial to Azure).

To enable storing Secrets in Azure, you first create an Azure Key Vault in your Azure account. Then you add keys (for instance the clientID and secretKey for an API your apps use or an artifact repository URI or database connection strings, etc.).

Both SSL certs and your own custom secret keys can be stored in Azure Key Vault

Once the keys are created, you configure Azure KeyVault for your application in appSettings as such:

 .ConfigureAppConfiguration((context, config) =>  
         var azureServiceTokenProvider = new AzureServiceTokenProvider();  
         var keyVaultURI = "";  
         var keyVaultClient = new KeyVaultClient(new KeyVaultClient.AuthenticationCallback(azureServiceTokenProvider.KeyVaultTokenCallback));  
         cfg.AddAzureKeyVault(keyVaultURI, new DefaultKeyVaultSecretManager());  
his is where you configure you Azure Key Vault in an ASP.NET Core app

And once wired up, you can refer to your keys from that app- both on-prem and in the cloud (it uses SSL for the transfer) just as you would reference an appettings value through an IConfiguration object a la:

 val keyVal = _configuration["mySuperSecretKeyInAzureKeyVault"];                                  


Localization in ASP.NET Core using Resource (.resx) files

Localization in ASP.NET Core works much the same way as it did in legacy ASP.NET

You need only create .resx files with your translations reference them with an instance of IStringLocalizer<YourControllerName> that you can add to your controller method that contains the model that will use and present the translations to the UI.

First, add the below to ConfigureServices() or similiar method in Startup.cs or Program.cs:
       services.Configure<RequestLocalizationOptions>(options =>  
         options.AddSupportedCultures("en-US", "es-CO", "fr-CA");  
         options.AddSupportedUICultures("en-US", "es-CO", "fr-CA");  

Next add resource (.resx) files (in this example for default American English, Spanish (Colombia), and French (Canada))

Your default .resx will look like this (same language for keys and values); make translations for the Values of es-CO and fr-CA

Now, the results - the translations, the latter two after changing browser default language to es-CO and fr-CA

A Timeless Book (by Jerry Fitzpatrick)


This book gets right to the point of the common aspects required for building great software and is too valuable for any software development professional not to read; and it contains just 172 pages! 😃

Read this book.

Plan Before Implementing

Proper and properly named abstractions to match problem domain and purpose. Thoroughly documented and well-understood behavioral interactions among all accessible components and at minimum a solid high level understanding of all dependencies; know when not to re-invent the wheel and instead utilize a proven 3rd party or open source tool.

Keep it Small

YAGNI ("You ain't gonna need it") is a very real thing. Development teams should focus on working prototypes that can be ironed out for production vs. forever "ideal" implementations that never make it to an actual user's screen.

Write Clearly

Treat a rough draft as a rough draft by encouraging code reviews and frequent minor refactoring to achieve code clarity for the next developers who will inevitably read (and need to understand in order to change or extend) your logic in the future.

Prevent Bugs

Meticulously control scope and member access and understand all ramifications of behavioral code points within the application. Every area of variation/mutation/state change should be covered by tests that are both named and implemented to clearly demonstrate the function/class/behavior being tested.

All tests are important for confidence/assurance in ongoing development but TDD (writing tests before the implementation a la Kent Beck) is not a replacement for good, cohesive design. That being said, I think the TDD backwards approach can help start great design discussion among developers when the design is somewhat unclear (tests, particularly broken tests will expose the innards that most warrant discussing).

Make the Program Robust

Utilize agreed-upon code formatting and pattern implementation standards and non-antagonistic code reviews to ensure these standards are being followed.

Utilize information hiding and useful categorization and encapsulation that extends but does not lend itself to potential client issues.

Do not try/catch everything and log everything unless necessary for compliance or a particuliar initiative being monitored. Make Exceptions very visible (but exit the program gracefully if the exception is not "handleable") and integrate tests to prevent the same (preventable) issues from recurring. Instead use try/finally and let exceptions bubble up to the surface application code.

Exceptions that are allowed to be handled and logged hide problems in the code that need immediate attention.

Use solid CI/CD and automated testing that tests for easily definable application behaviors.

Prevent Excess Coupling

Favor atomic initialization: Initialize everything all at once versus incremental composition.

Discourage unnecessary extensibility points and instead expose what needs to be exposed with as little information sharing as possible.

Strive for immutable members wherever possible.

Cohesive, self-evident abstractions are of utmost importance.


The concepts so succinctly covered in Timeless Laws of Software Development apply to all types of code (imperative or declarative) and all languages.

While I've read many great software books and all have helped me become a better developer, no text has struck me as so plainly obvious and concise at explaining good software design concepts in such an easy-to-grok manner.

For a worthwhile read, check out Timeless Laws of Software Development by Jerry Fitzpatrick

.NET 5+: the Future of .NET

Microsoft doesn't want to restrict the growth of their highly popular .NET development framework by requiring that it only run on Windows OS and that its components rely on Windows-based components like ASP.NET which relies on IIS.

Enter .NET Core 1, 1.1, 2, 5 (6)+: the Future of .NET.

One .NET Framework to rule them all? No. But a new, unified, cross-platform .NET Runtime? Yes.

With .NET 5 (and coming in hot down the pike, .NET 6), developers can use the languages (C#, F#, VB and C++/CLI) and framework (.NET) they are familiar with, to build applications that can run on a Windows, Linux or Mac OS. While .NET Core 1 and 2 lacked several expected features and felt fairly unsupportable, .NET 5 feels more familiar and addresses most issues (this is just the networking improvements made).

Formerly known as .NET Core 1, .NET Core 1.1 and then .NET Core 2, the future for the .NET Framework and associated runtime libraries will fall under the umbrella of what is simply called ".NET" (5 (current release), 6 (preview), with intermediate minor versions one would expect) as of the time of this writing. ASP.NET Core will continue to be labeled with the "Core" designation for now with the .NET version tagging the runtime (ASP.NET Core Runtime 5, ASP.NET Core Runtime 6, etc.).

There do exist more-than-slightly-subtle differences. For instance ASP.NET Core Runtime 5 projects are structured differently and Global.asax.cs has been replaced with Program.cs and the accompanying Startup.cs which contain the Main entry point and provide spaces for application configuration methods that execute only when your program is initially run (this includes functions to respond to certain events like a unhandled/last chance exception handling, etc.).

    public class Startup
        public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
            Configuration = configuration;

        public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }

        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection")));
            services.AddDefaultIdentity<IdentityUser>(options => options.SignIn.RequireConfirmedAccount = true).AddEntityFrameworkStores<ApplicationDbContext>();
            services.AddLocalization(options => options.ResourcesPath = "Resources");
            services.Configure<RequestLocalizationOptions>(options =>
                options.AddSupportedCultures("en-US", "es-CO", "fr-FR");........

An example of .NET 5 ASP.NET Startup.cs which replaces most Global.asax.cs functionality; Program.cs handles all else


In sum total, .NET 5 is basically a framework with the same functionalities that the .NET Framework had, with new namespaces and methods and a few slightly different design paradigms for ASP.NET and other project templates that use .NET 5 code. But it compiles to binary code that can run crossplatform- to a Linux distro or OSX27 or regular old Windows 10, 11, 12, etc.).

.NET 5 seems to favor better encapsulation/information hiding (less extensibility but fewer things to keep track of that can go wrong!) but ASP.NET Core still tends to have the magic string architecture that is its double-edged sword. Everything is a balance; never can be 100% fast, cheap and customizable.

Expect lots more to come now that .NET has it's versioning, cross-platform integration and road map in order

Virtually everything is customizable if you want to use your own implementation of a SqlClient RDBMS provider or Authentication provider. Setting up social media authentication is relatively simple. For relational database access, Dapper is a nice balance between ADO.NET with pure SQL statements and an ORM for object population/deserialization, etc. and compiles to .NET Standard which can be referenced and compiled by a .NET 5 project.

With SQL Server moving to Linux world I imagine many other useful services that used to rely solely on Windows-OS will follow: native MS Office, MS Dynamics and related dependencies, IIS, etc.

Where .NET really shines is in its ability to compile/integrate .NET code libraries (with the notable exception of server-side WCF)  built with .NET Framework 4.5-4.8 as well as Xamarin, Mono, Unity and other previous .NET-related runtime libraries. It uses what is called .NET Standard (a collection of commonly used and .NET 5-compatible .NET Framework  members) to achieve this bridging between .NET and all .NET Framework versions preceding it.

Perhaps not all of that old .NET 4.5-4.8 legacy code will need to go to waste.

All SDKs under one roof; what is not to like? Almost as great as "Write Once.. Run Anywhere" 

Long-term support for .NET 5's predecessor, .NET Framework will continue for versions 4.6.2 and above for the foreseeable future while prior versions have either already ended LTS or will be ending LTS soon, per Microsoft:

Support for .NET Framework 4, 4.5, and 4.5.1 ended on January 12, 2016.

Support for .NET Framework 4.5.2, 4.6, and 4.6.1 will end on April 26, 2022. Customers and developers must have completed the in-place update to .NET Framework 4.6.2 or later by April 26, 2022 to continue receiving technical support and security updates.

Custom SSRS Authentication Extended

One of the limitations of SSRS is that it cannot be used outside of a Windows environment (security is all dependent on Active Directory and Windows User accounts). Unfortunately app impersonation does not work cleanly enough as it will prompt users for credentials when they 1st authenticate to the Report Server. That doesn't cut the mustard for user expectations of public-facing apps.

Authentication only works as far its interoperability can reach (needs to reach beyond Windows Auth)

So, to get around this, Microsoft has provided a workaround in the form of the CustomAuthentication example. It provides a basic way to authenticate using forms-based authentication with a login page. This does work, "technically". But this also will not work if we want our report authentication to be invisible/seamless to a user who is already authenticated to the main app (that provides SSRS-based reporting features).

Why make a user auth 2x? 

So.... (and this isn't incredibly clever but it's useful): enter this extension of the CustomAuthentication example that is Local-only access by default, but suggests several overrides for authentication.

Here is the crux of how the CustomAuth can work in many different ways simply via modifying Login.aspx.cs of the Microsoft example:

        private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Your secret authentication sauce goes here..
            //appHash should get dynamically generated from the app calling SSRS (ideally for each request if performant enough)
            //if (CheckAuth(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["origAppHash"].ToString()))
            //if (CheckAuth(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["otroAppHash"].ToString()))
            if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.IsLocal)
                FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage("daylite", true);

        private bool CheckAuth(string appHash)
            //DecodeAndCryptoChecks on appHash
            return true;

 MS' Example uses Page_Load(); presumably Page_PreLoad() or Page_Init() would also work here- 'just an HttpRequest eval

The idea behind this branch (closed as soon as PR'd as I don't expect MS to integrate this but I did want to not-so-subtly nudge them to explain SSRS' custom extensibility better) is not a defined solution- it is to demonstrate how you can interface with the authentication and authorization operations of SSRS service to achieve virtually any kind of custom security behavior or compatibility that you require.

GitHub (my sonrai LLC is my contractor/consultant LLC):

Dapper for .NET Data Access

Jeff Atwood described the phrase coined by Ted Neward that "Object-Relational Mapping is the Vietnam of Computer Science".

I agree with everything except Atwood's (huh? 😨- keep in mind this is 2006) conclusion that we should do one or the other: objects or relational data records. Develop apps as a series of SQL data access statements assigning values to arbitrary pieces of monolith application code.. or exclusively object-oriented with everything saved to blob storage... Or something awkward like that.

That, he says (in the 2006 article*), removes the O (object) - R (relational data) mapping problem entirely. It sure does; but how can we develop apps like that?

(fast-forward 6yrs, and.... Dapper to the rescue!)

Dapper is an awesome (IMO) alternative that allows developers to retain SOLID reuse and extensibility in their .NET data access code while still accessing complex relational data- and fast.

Dapper has the best of both worlds in terms of what you look for in a data access framework - speed and clean, easy SQL-to-typed object mapping facilitation

I highly recommend the brief peruse; it is a very interesting article. It essentially describes the pitfalls that ADO.NET, Hibernate and Entity SQL (EF for MSSQL) and so many of the other approaches to modeling relational data as .NET objects that have, if not failed completely- severely been lacking especially in terms of speed and control over the actual SQL that you instruct the SQL engine to execute.

Dapper aims to bridge the eternal gap between application and relational database code in a pretty elegant way for .NET development. So long as your database records (whether from a complex JOIN'd SP or wherever in your db)- can return data with types and field/alias names that match your "query-return-target-type" class' properties' names and data types, you are set for all the kinds of data access you like and are off and running without all the headaches normally associated with ORMs (magic config strings, mappings in separate files out of sync with class or db changes, etc.).

"there is no good solution to the object/relational mapping problem. There are solutions, sure, but they all involve serious, painful tradeoffs. And the worst part is that you can't usually see the consequences of these tradeoffs until much later in the development cycle." -Jeff Atwood on ORMs

I guess you could say that the SQL itself in the queries you tell Dapper to issue to MSSQL are "magic strings" insofar as VS doesn't compile them.. But if you don't use SSMS to parse and execute tests of your queries before using them in application code then you aren't really doing real data development- you are just shooting in the dark.

You should have unit tests for this very purpose. Unit tests of your Dapper calls will catch any db changes in the tests ("hey why did nobody tell me about this schema change in the Archives table?"); regardless- if your SQL field names don't match the class prop names of the object you are trying to "Dapperize"- you will find out at run-time. The exception messages are very "straight to the point of exactly what is off".

Dapper works the same in all versions of .NET; it is currently based on .NET Standard for that very reason, but you will need to bring in more dependency depending on what type of data source you are trying to access (SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, DB2, Terradata, etc.).

Consider giving Dapper a try - it is very useful and illuminating, and it really shines in the very areas where EF falls short.

Dapper accessing 'UserReport' records from SQL db and returning the dynamic, typed object:
     SqlConnection db = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultSQLConnection"]);  
     public List<UserReport> ReadAllSavedUserReports()  
       using (db)  
         return db.Query<Report>("SELECT * FROM CLARO.dbo.UserReport").ToList();  
     public UserReport FindSavedUserReport(int id)  
       using (db)  
         return db.Query<Report>("SELECT * FROM CLARO.dbo.UserReport WHERE Id = @Id", new { id }).SingleOrDefault();  
Forgive the "SELECT *.... this is just a demonstration..

These methods can then easily be called in controller or other code like so:
     public ViewResult Index()  
       string nowTime = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();  
       ReportDAL dal = new ReportDAL();  
       Demo model = BuildModel(BuildSQLStatement(nowTime, ReportDrafts.BaseballDemo), nowTime);  
       model.Reports = dal.ReadAllSavedUserReports();  
       return View(model);  

Dapper is not a company trying to sell anything- it is just a really useful micro-ORM for those who prefer to work more hands-on with the SQL in data access code (and like to be able to more granularily control optimization for speedier queries).

*Atwood helped contribute (with SO) to the development of Dapper, so... I think he and that team kinda nailed the removal and easing of the very same limitations he bemoaned in the article I reference at the beginning:


Social Authentication in ASP.NET Core MVC

A common modern convenience for apps is the ability to choose to authenticate and create an account based on credentials from an existing service that most people have (ie. Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, GitHub, etc.). in this post I will walk through the configuration of social authentication for Google and LinkedIn accounts.

Setting up social authentication in ASP.NET Core is a lot easier than you might think...

Before implementing this feature you will need to register for a Google and a LinkedIn developer account which will then give you access to the 2 values that make the magic of this built-in authentication possible: clientKey and clientSecret.

Important(!): you will also want to register the Callback/Redirect URLs for each social authentication as shown below. This redirect URL below is for my project running on localhost:44396 obviously ("/signin-google" is the path you want to append to your app root for Google and "/signin-linkedin" for LinkedIn):

Once you have this setup, you will be able to wire them up in the Startup.cs ConfigureServices() method of an ASP.NET Core 3 MVC Web Application ie:

  public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)  
       services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>  
       services.AddDefaultIdentity<IdentityUser>(options => options.SignIn.RequireConfirmedAccount = true)  
       .AddGoogle(o =>  
         o.ClientId = "[YourGoogleClientId]";  
         o.ClientSecret = "[YourGoogleClientSecret]";  
       .AddLinkedIn(o =>  
         o.ClientId = "[YourLinkedInClientId]";  
         o.ClientSecret = "[YourLinkedInClientSecret]";  
       // Add application services.   

Now you just have to:

  • Create your ASP.NET Core 3 MVC Web Application project with Identity options as below
  • Install a couple Nuget packages for Google OAuth2 and Linked OAuth respectively
  • Call "Update-Database" from Nuget Package Manager Console
  • Modify Startup.cs

To implement this feature for your users you only need follow a couple steps when setting up the project (whether ASP.NET MVC or the newer ASP.NET Core MVC) to enable some builtin identify and authentication handling after which you can configure and customize to fit your app's particular custom authentication needs. Follow the images below for proper installation of the required 2 Nuget packages, the db command, etc.

First, make sure you create your ASP.NET Core MVC project with "Individual User Accounts" radio button selection and "Store user accounts in app" dropdown selection as follows:

Change Authentication to use Individual User Accounts- this sets up the required boilerplate template code

You will add this Nuget package for LinkedIn authentication

You will add this Nuget package for Google authentication

Next you will need to create the database objects (ASPNET app auth db and tables) via "Update-Database" Package Manager Console command

Finally, modify Startup.cs ConfigureServices() method as shown in the snippet above. Compile and give it a whirl.

And that is all there is to it. Strangely there is not a lot of documentation on exactly how to do this and what can cause it to not work; I spent over an hour debugging what turned out to be a not-so-obvious issue (in my case I was following instructions that erroneously suggested I inject unneeded services to the services.AddAuthentication() instantiation in the snippet of Startup.cs above).

If your keys and Callback URLs are correct you will be able to authenticate to Google and LinkedIn

Once you have registered your social account, you can then log in with it and you will see the following (notice "Hello!...." and "Logout")

If you are like me and do not want to keep to adding yet more and more credentials to LastPass, your users probably don't either. Implementing Social Authentication is a powerful tool that you can leverage with relative ease in ASP.NET Core 3 MVC Web apps.

If you have questions on implementing this or just need some help and general guidance, feel free to comment or drop me an email at



NLog for Flexible Application Logging in .NET

As much as I have enjoyed working with log4net in the psat NLog works much more seamlessly for .NET apps (it has good, solid abstractions)

From Nuget Package Manager, you can find and reference NLog and the accompanying NLog.Config which simplifies setup. To configure NLog logging, simply point the required properties (you need at least a logFile variable, a target and a rule to get started) to your desired values in the config file that NLog.Config creates in your project root  (NLog.config):


 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>  
 <nlog xmlns=""  
    xsi:schemaLocation=" NLog.xsd"  
    internalLogLevel="Off" internalLogFile="c:\temp\nlog-internal.log">  
  <variable name="logFilePath" value="C:\NLog\IDG.log" />  
   <target name="logfile"  
     layout="${longdate}  LEVEL=${level:upperCase=true}: ${message}"  
     keepFileOpen="true" />  
   <logger name="*" minlevel="Info" writeTo="logfile" />  
   <logger name="*" minlevel="Warn" writeTo="logFile"/>  
This example uses a log file target in C:\NLog directory; you can utilize a wide variety of logging targets to broadcast app errors

Source Code:

 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;  
 using NLog;  
 namespace ExtRSTests  
   public class NLogTests  
     private static Logger logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();  
     public void TestLoggerToFile()  
       logger.Warn("Something in the app happened that may indicate trouble ahead....");  
       logger.Error("Uh-oh. Something broke.");  
With the logging levels, log formatting (timestamps) and abundant integration options, NLog is a complete logging solution

With NLogger you can implement logging for an array of targets including file, email, database and 3rd party integrations (ie. send message to Slack channel if logger generates any "Error" or "Fatal" level log message).


Newtonsoft JSON .NET Nuget Nugget

Most API payloads are in XML or JSON; it is best to know both of these data structures, and how to serialize/deserialize them

The JSON parsing utilities found in Newtonsoft.Json are very. very useful and should be common knowledge for any .NET developer who works with API data or anything producing or derived from JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).

In general, to use Newtonsoft.Json you simply need to create a .NET class hierarchy that mimics the structure and hierarchy of the target JSON. Once that is setup, serializing in-memory objects to JSON and deserializing the JSON back to in-memory objects is a breeze.

You achieve this by normal class hierarchy and making List<> of child objects, array properties, etc. Newtonsoft's 'JsonProperty' class property decorator maps JSON properties and the builtin serialization and deserialization methods facilitate working between JSON strings and the in-memory objects they represent.

The C# source code below demonstrates serialization from a SQL Server 2017 SSRS API v2 JSON response and then serializing that object back into JSON.

Source Code:

 using System;  
 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;  
 using Newtonsoft.Json;  
 using System.Collections.Generic;  
 using System.Net.Http;  
 using System.Threading.Tasks;  
 namespace DemoTests  
   public class DemoTestJSON  
     public async Task TestDeserializeJSON()  
       HttpClient client = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler() { UseDefaultCredentials = true });  
       client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost/reports/api/v2.0/reports");  
       var response = await client.GetAsync(client.BaseAddress);  
       var deserial = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<APIGenericItemsResponse>(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());       
     public void TestSerializeJSON(APIGenericItemsResponse genericObject)  
       string serial = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(genericObject);  
   public class APIGenericItemsResponse  
     public string Context { get; set; }  
     public List<GenericItem> GenericItem { get; set; }  
   public class GenericItem  
     public string Id { get; set; }  
     public string Name { get; set; }  
     public string Path { get; set; }  

SSRS API v2 /Reports JSON Response:

JSON Deserialization with Newtonsoft.Json:
The deserial variable holds an in-memory .NET object of type APIGenericResponse, derived (deserialized) from the SSRS API JSON response

JSON Serialization with Newtonsoft.Json:

The serial variable is simply the serialization APIGenericItemsResponse object serialized into a JSON string


base in C#

The base keyword in C# allows a subclass to access base (superclass) members.

All credit to Suresh Dasari of Tutlane (reference below) on explaining this so effectively in just a few steps of code.

What is shown here is the Details subclass overriding the Users base class' "GetInfo()" method and including the base behavior (Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", name); ... Console.WriteLine("Location: {0}", location); - along with- some new behavior (Console.WriteLine("Age: {0}", base.age);). In this way members can be shared between subtypes and the type they inherit from- in constructors as well as elsewhere in the subclass.

 using System;  
 namespace Tutlane  
   // Base Class  
   public class Users  
     public string name = "Suresh Dasari";  
     public string location = "Hyderabad";  
     public int age = 32;  
     public virtual void GetInfo()  
       Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", name);  
       Console.WriteLine("Location: {0}", location);  
   // Derived Class  
   public class Details : Users  
     public override void GetInfo()  
       Console.WriteLine("Age: {0}", base.age);  
   class Program  
     static void Main(string[] args)  
       Details d = new Details();  
       Console.WriteLine("\nPress Enter Key to Exit..");  



Java from .NET and .NET from Java

Java or .NET? Why not both (when it is the only viable path)?

jni4net is a proven interop library for Java and .NET. Two brief examples developed by jni4net below merely require that you to specify the jni4net dependency in the (Visual Studio or Eclipse) project.

Calling Java from .NET
 using java.lang;  
 using java.util;  
 using net.sf.jni4net;  
 using net.sf.jni4net.adaptors;  
 namespace helloWorldFromCLR  
   public class Program  
     private static void Main()  
       // create bridge, with default setup  
       // it will lookup jni4net.j.jar next to jni4net.n.dll  
       Bridge.CreateJVM(new BridgeSetup(){Verbose=true});  
       // here you go!  
       java.lang.System.@out.println("Hello Java world!");  
       // OK, simple hello is boring, let's play with Java properties  
       // they are Hashtable realy  
       Properties javaSystemProperties = java.lang.System.getProperties();  
       // let's enumerate all keys.   
       // We use Adapt helper to convert enumeration from java o .NET  
       foreach (java.lang.String key in Adapt.Enumeration(javaSystemProperties.keys()))  
         // this is automatic conversion of CLR string to java.lang.String  
         java.lang.System.@out.print(" : ");  
         // we use the hashtable  
         Object value = javaSystemProperties.get(key);  
         // and this is CLR ToString() redirected to Java toString() method  
         string valueToString = value.ToString();  
       // Java output is really Stream  
       PrintStream stream = java.lang.System.@out;  
       // it implements interface  
       Flushable flushable = stream;  

Calling .NET from Java
 import net.sf.jni4net.Bridge;  
 import java.lang.String;  
 import system.*;  
 import system.Object;  
 import system.collections.IDictionary;  
 import system.collections.IEnumerator;  

 public class Program {  
      public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {  
           // create bridge, with default setup  
           // it will lookup jni4net.n.dll next to jni4net.j.jar   
           // here you go!  
           Console.WriteLine("Hello .NET world!\n");  
           // OK, simple hello is boring, let's play with System.Environment  
           // they are Hashtable realy  
           final IDictionary variables = system.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables();  
           // let's enumerate all keys  
           final IEnumerator keys = variables.getKeys().GetEnumerator();  
           while (keys.MoveNext()) {  
                // there hash table is not generic and returns system.Object  
                // but we know is should be system.String, so we could cast  
                final system.String key = (system.String) keys.getCurrent();  
                // this is automatic conversion of JVM string to system.String  
                Console.Write(" : ");  
                // we use the hashtable  
                Object value = variables.getItem(key);  
                // and this is JVM toString() redirected to CLR ToString() method  
                String valueToString = value.toString();  
           // Console output is really TextWriter on stream  
           final TextWriter writer = Console.getOut();  
(verbose commenting by Pavel Savara, a jni4net contributor)


Calling Win32 API from .NET C# Application

As quoted in the useful reference below:
"Anybody doing any serious Windows development in C# will probably end up calling many Win32 functions. The .NET framework just doesn't cover 100% of the Win32 API." Mike Thompson

This illustrative example here is simply to show what the integrated code looks like; however identifying available drive space is a common app requirement

The interop of .NET and Win32API works by way of referencing the InteropServices .NET namespace and using normal Win32 API functions with the [DllImport()] attribute denoting the Win32 API assembly being used and the corresponding function being modified as "static extern" which informs the compiler that the function is calling unmanaged (non-.NET) code.

 using System;  
 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;  
 namespace ConsoleApp1  
   internal static class Win32  
     [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]  
     internal static extern bool GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(string drive, out long freeBytesForUser, out long totalBytes, out long freeBytes);  
   class Program  
     static void Main(string[] args)  
       long freeBytesForUser;  
       long totalBytes;  
       long freeBytes;  
       Console.WriteLine("Free space in this directory:");  
       if (Win32.GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(@"C:\", out freeBytesForUser, out totalBytes, out freeBytes))  
         Console.WriteLine("Free user bytes: " + freeBytesForUser.ToString());  
         Console.WriteLine("Free total bytes: " + totalBytes.ToString());  
         Console.WriteLine("Free bytes: " + freeBytes.ToString());  



Real-time scrolling Tweets related to financial news alerts and updates. Just enter the Twitter handle you want to see a marquee of live streaming tweets from.

TL;DR - the working app is here:
..znd here on Google Play Store:

Use button in lower-left to toggle different Twitter handles

The code is a hodgepodge of various references and vestiges of past personal projects. My initial aim was to get something working end-to-end as I envisioned, and I was able to achieve that pretty easily through the Twitter API and .NET.

The process is standard API stuff- first you authenticate and receive a token which you can then subsequently pass to prove that your requests are valid. Then, using simple (REST API) HTTP GET, we get the content (Twitter Timeline information) that we are interested in.

The gist of the code is .NET C# (an ASP.NET Controller method) and listed below:

  public ActionResult GetTwickr(string handle = "business")  
       // Set your own keys and screen name  
       var oAuthConsumerKey = "XXXXXXXXXXXXX"; // "API key";  
       var oAuthConsumerSecret = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; // "API secret key";  
       var oAuthUrl = "";  
       var screenname = "@" + handle; // default Twitter display current status  
       // Authenticate  
       var authHeaderFormat = "Basic {0}";  
       var authHeader = string.Format(authHeaderFormat,  
         Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Uri.EscapeDataString(oAuthConsumerKey) + ":" +  
       var postBody = "grant_type=client_credentials";  
       HttpWebRequest authRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(oAuthUrl);  
       authRequest.Headers.Add("Authorization", authHeader);  
       authRequest.Method = "POST";  
       authRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8";  
       authRequest.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate;  
       using (Stream stream = authRequest.GetRequestStream())  
         byte[] content = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postBody);  
         stream.Write(content, 0, content.Length);  
       authRequest.Headers.Add("Accept-Encoding", "gzip");  
       WebResponse authResponse = authRequest.GetResponse();  
       // deserialize into an object  
       TwitAuthenticateResponse twitAuthResponse;  
       using (authResponse)  
         using (var reader = new StreamReader(authResponse.GetResponseStream()))  
           System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer js = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();  
           var objectText = reader.ReadToEnd();  
           twitAuthResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TwitAuthenticateResponse>(objectText);  
         // Get timeline info  
         var timelineFormat = "{0}&include_rts=1&exclude_replies=1&count=5";  
         var timelineUrl = string.Format(timelineFormat, screenname);  
         HttpWebRequest timeLineRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(timelineUrl);  
         var timelineHeaderFormat = "{0} {1}";  
         timeLineRequest.Headers.Add("Authorization", string.Format(timelineHeaderFormat, twitAuthResponse.token_type, twitAuthResponse.access_token));  
         timeLineRequest.Method = "GET";  
         WebResponse timeLineResponse = timeLineRequest.GetResponse();  
         var timeLineJson = string.Empty;  
         string scrolltxt = string.Empty;  
         using (timeLineResponse)  
           using (var reader = new StreamReader(timeLineResponse.GetResponseStream()))  
             timeLineJson = reader.ReadToEnd();  
         // deserialize into an object  
         dynamic obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(timeLineJson);  
         foreach (var r in obj.Root)  
           scrolltxt += " ***** " + r.text;  
         var model = new LoggedInUserTimelineViewModel { TimelineContent = scrolltxt, Handle = handle };  
         return View("TwickrMain", model);  
       catch (Exception e) { }  
       return View("TwickrMain");  

Next, using Newtonsoft,Json JsonConvert() function, we deserialize the JSON response and zero in on the 'text' property of each entity (tweet) in the array of JSON results (tweets).

And finally, using some basic Bootstrap HTML, JavaScript and CSS we are able to wire up a very simple, but effective app that interacts with the Twitter API in real-time.
