Showing posts with label Time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Time. Show all posts

Over-engineering in Software

TL; DR; - build the app; not your imagined future state of the app

Implementing what you know you will absolutely need before all else is the best course of action for development

This is a great brief guide on how it happens and how to prevent or at least diminish the phenomena that is borne out of a desire to do things exact and right- but ignores that fact that some things never are evaluated and time is.... finite. (in (virtually) every project, we only have so much time to get the bells to ring and the whistles to whistle...

That interface to allow for a potential future Python SDK, putting a small proprietary API on Swagger with loads of documentation and test calls just "because" might not be a road you want to go down yet..

Creating a .NET Standard portable class library of the core functionality with a full suite of tests because you think it may be Nugetized in the future... is not something you should do until the app is already engineered and built well, out the door and humming along swimmingly!

Over-engineering is essentially development of designs and/or writing code that solves problems that do not currently exist.

BugZilla learned the hard way that "Future-Proofing" taking too literally can become over-engineering and waste lots of time for stuff never to be used/needed

Bugzilla has dealt with it and a former developer left a very concise and telling quote from their experience:
Some people think design means, “Write down exactly how you’re going to implement an entire project, from here until 2050.” That won’t work, brother. That design is too rigid–it doesn’t allow your requirements to change. And believe me, your requirements are going to change. 
Planning is good. I should probably do more planning myself, when it comes to writing code. 
But even if you don’t write out detailed plans, you’ll be fine as long as your changes are always small and easily extendable for that unknown future. 


  • "Business requirements never converge. They always diverge."
  • "At the beginning, it’s best to stick to the KISS principle over DRY."
  • Favor less abstraction for things that are currently 100% exactly known

Long ago one of my software engineering colleagues at a large Milwaukee-based industrial company (thanks John Ignasiak!) taught me a way to use what is known as "soft coding" in relational SQL to use data abstraction tables in order to abstract data types until run-time and multi-purpose data types and relations whilst keeping all values in the same table.

Just never enough generalizations and assumptions to make in software development... lol

I am not a big fan of multi-purposing things. But sometimes it is the only way and in this case of a legacy system with an old reporting db, it was the only way for time we had available.

Use the tools for the task they were made for.

Use the data type (VARCHAR for instance) for the data it was made for, not for dynamic SQL and hard-coded but dynamically inferred data types. The latter usages are almost always symptomatic of a terrible, terrible database design or something that your design just cannot accommodate without major restructuring of relational hierarchy and dependencies.

That all being said, SQL soft-coding (and dynamic SQL) is awesome and has some really powerful use cases where it is the perfect approach for the task at hand.

Build the app by the requirements as they currently exist, not by your imagination of how the future may or may not affect the app.

Two principals that have helped many a developer over the years are the acronyms:

  • KISS (Keep It Simple)
  • YAGNI (You Ain’t Gonna Need It)
