public async Task CreateGetDeleteSubscriptionSucceeds()
string json = @"{
""@odata.context"": ""https://localhost/reports/api/v2.0/$metadata#Subscriptions/$entity"",
""Owner"": """ + Resources.User + @""",
""IsDataDriven"": false,
""Description"": ""string..."",
""Report"": ""/Reports/USPolls"",
""IsActive"": true,
""EventType"": ""TimedSubscription"",
""ScheduleDescription"": ""string..."",
""LastRunTime"": ""2023-04-13T15:51:04Z"",
""LastStatus"": ""string..."",
""DeliveryExtension"": ""Report Server Email"",
""LocalizedDeliveryExtensionName"": ""Email"",
""ModifiedBy"": """ + Resources.User + @""",
""ModifiedDate"": ""2023-04-13T15:51:04Z"",
""Schedule"": {
""ScheduleID"": null,
""Definition"": {
""StartDateTime"": ""2021-01-01T02:00:00-07:00"",
""EndDate"": ""0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"",
""EndDateSpecified"": false,
""Recurrence"": {
""MinuteRecurrence"": null,
""DailyRecurrence"": null,
""WeeklyRecurrence"": null,
""MonthlyRecurrence"": null,
""MonthlyDOWRecurrence"": null
""DataQuery"": null,
""ExtensionSettings"": {
""Extension"": ""DeliveryExtension"",
""ParameterValues"": [
""Name"": ""TO"",
""Value"": ""colin@sonrai.io"",
""IsValueFieldReference"": false
""Name"": ""IncludeReport"",
""Value"": ""true"",
""IsValueFieldReference"": false
""Name"": ""Subject"",
""Value"": ""true"",
""IsValueFieldReference"": false
""Name"": ""RenderFormat"",
""Value"": ""PDF"",
""IsValueFieldReference"": false
""ParameterValues"": []
Subscription subscription = await ssrs.SaveSubscription(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Subscription>(json)!);
Assert.IsTrue(subscription.DeliveryExtension != null);
var getResponse = await ssrs.GetSubscription(subscription.Id.ToString()!);
Assert.IsTrue(getResponse.Id != null);
var delResp = await ssrs.DeleteSubscription(subscription.Id.ToString()!);
extRS for useful common logic, reference data and extending SSRS
extRS Portal: a modern SSRS client
An SSRS IFrame/CORS infinite redirect loop error and a quick and easy solution
If you are trying to render the SSRS ReportViewer control within an <iframe>, you may run into a CORS issue that manifests in a series of 302 (Found) responses and an infinite redirect loop between ReportViewer control (ReportViewer.aspx) and Logon.aspx.
As of SSRS 2022, without an explicit instruction to allow CORS, ReportViewer cannot be rendered within an <iframe> on an origin different than the origin of the report server.
If you are using custom authentication, the solution is easy enough. Just add cookieSameSite="None" and enableCrossAppRedirects="true" to the authentication <forms> tag in the report server's web.config.
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="logon.aspx" name="sqlAuthCookie" cookieSameSite="None" timeout="60" path="/" enableCrossAppRedirects="true" requireSSL="true">
app.UseCors(builder => builder
.WithOrigins("https://localhost", "https://[domain]")
ExtRSAuth for Custom SSRS Authentication (works w/newest SSRS version 16.0.8)

ExtRSAuth for custom SSRS security
This assembly, forked from the Microsoft Custom Security Sample extends and improves custom authentication to allow for mechanisms other than user/pwd credential check and to offer a seamless pass-thru of the Login page if something present in the HttpRequest verifies that user is already authenticated. For instance, the user already has an app token from an app that communicates with the report server, and you require the communications with the report server to not involve any intermediate screen or login UI. The user just wants to auth as fast as possible and get to their report, right?