Showing posts with label Temporal Tables. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Temporal Tables. Show all posts

Temporal Tables in SQL Server

Definition from Microsoft: SQL Temporal Tables, also known as "system-versioned tables" are a database feature that brings built-in support for providing information about data stored in the table at any point in time rather than only the data that is correct at the current moment in time. Temporal is a database feature that was introduced in ANSI SQL 2011.

What is it used for?
1). Auditing Data History- identifying who did what, when, and row-level restoration to the state of the temporal table data any point in time. (Time travel)

2). Monitor Data Deltas (ie. maintain company sales discounting policy by ensuring no product has had a price change that exceeds some company threshold (200% increase or decrease, etc.))

3). Slowly Changing Dimension management (eliminate the need for complicated ETL logic for tracking SCD- SQL Temporal Tables do this audit tracking automatically)

In Practice
Once upon a time, I worked on a project that had a "unique" (kind euphemism) legacy database schema design. This company had a custom "system" for tracking changes in data. There was no referential integrity so everything relied on application code not having any data access code bugs, which as we all know is not a particularly reliable setup.

Temporal Tables would have done the trick without all the complexity of having to manage a proprietary data versioning system that sometimes worked, oftentimes caused headaches and mass confusion over the root cause of production issues related to versioning of certain data entities.

Temporal Tables have the current or base table, as well as a history table that logs changes over time

Unless there is a specific reason that SQL Temporal Tables won't work for your scenario* you should take advantage of existing functionality like this so that you can focus on the unique functionality of your app and not waste precious time reinventing wheels.

Creating a temporal table is relatively straightforward. In SSMS (connected to an instance of SQL Server 2016 or later), select the option as seen below.

Menu option in SSMS

Here is the T-SQL for basic Temporal Table DDL:

 USE [KpItSimpl]  
 --Create system-versioned temporal table. It must have primary key and two datetime2 columns that are part of SYSTEM_TIME period definition  
 CREATE TABLE dbo.SimplTemporalTable  
      --Table PK and columns definition  
   ProductDescription varchar(max) NULL,  
      ProductPrice decimal,  
   --Period columns and PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME definition  
   ValidFrom datetime2 (2) GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW START,   
   ValidTo datetime2 (2) GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW END,  
   PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME (ValidFrom, ValidTo)   
  WITH (SYSTEM_VERSIONING = ON (HISTORY_TABLE = dbo.SimplTemporalTableHistory));   
T-SQL DDL for creating a new Temporal Table

For a practical example, I inserted some data into this temporal table, and then committed some UPDATE statements on that data, changing the ProductPrice value of some of the product records. The query below demonstrates how we can look for records (we are likely most interested in the exact change time) that had a price change exceeding +/- 200%:

Example of a query utilizing the Temporal Table feature to see an excessive product price change

Note(!) one limitation that stands out right away- you cannot drop a temporal table like a standard SQL table. You must turn versioning off on the table, drop the table and drop the history table. So instead of selecting "Delete" from the Table menu options or executing "DROP TABLE", you will want to select "SCRIPT AS >> DROP To" option as seen below:

You must script the deletion/drop of a SQL temporal table

As you can see, SQL Temporal Tables can make managing data changes a lot easier. Certainly much easier than a proprietary change versioning system and much faster than restoring the entire database to inspect the state of data at a particular point in time.

*Temporal Table Considerations and Limitations:
