Showing posts with label DataViz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DataViz. Show all posts

extRS Portal: a modern SSRS client

ExtRS Portal provides a blueprint for extending the functionality of Reporting Services 

extRS (pronounced, "extras") is a modern SSRS client for distributing and reading reports; with some extras. A demo of the app is linked here:
The audience is SSRS report users (you know, the people you need to justify having enterprise reporting in the first place). So things like applying item-level RS security, managing users, and adding, editing and deleting SSRS catalog items and other system-level properties are not part of this client- at least not yet.

The aim here is to make SSRS at least slightly more interesting, accessible and useable for information consumers. This particuliar deployment of the extRS.Portal web client is connected to a report server with custom authentication (extRSAuth) which gets passed the normally required "Windows authentication" hamstring of the default SSRS installation. 

This wrapper and extension UI not only improve the user authentication experience and dynamism of SSRS parameter behaviors in the UI but also provide SSRS admins and other users with rich enterprise reporting usage and delivery data.

Enabled are the most of the features contained in Reporting Service's built-in Report Portal at /reports.

I have disabled some things like deleting and uploading items for the sake of keeping my demo of the app small and simple.

The source code can be found here:

Charts Suggestions - "A Chart Chooser" (edited)

Just because you can do things with "non-data ink"* does not mean you should do things with "non data ink". Below is a useful guide to charts for presenting different perspectives of data. I have crossed out the ones that are unanimously decried in the data visualization community for having confusing elements that do not effectively communicate the meaning of data.

Bar charts. Line charts. Dot or scatter plots. And bullet charts for really communicating a lot of information in a small space. That's really all you need.


The "Thought-Starter" above, edited to cross out (in red) all useless and confusing visuals to AVOID

Bullet charts are highly effective at displaying sub-ranges within a spectrum; the sole max line communicates threshold or "target" values

Focus on ensuring that every piece of ink in your chart is conveying some kind of useful information. If not, delete it. Blank space is better than distracting ink.

If you need an example of "distracting, non-data ink" then look no further than the following almost headache-inducing example:

I imagine the author of this chart was more interested in the art than the meaning of the data; this is a really bad data visualization

Another simple yet very powerful data visualization technique is to show the same type of chart repeated for contiguous time intervals or for different groups at the same point in time. An example is the following small multiples chart on alcohol consumption in different countries:

Small multiples charts really highlight the outliers (S. Korea?!!)

For more on the use of small multiples for effective data visualizations, I show more examples here: kpitsimpl: Small Multiples (are awesome) a while back. KEEP IT SIMPL.

Small Multiples (are awesome)

To keep it short and sweet let's go with the definition:

"A small multiple (sometimes called trellis chart, lattice chart, grid chart, or panel chart) is a series of similar graphs or charts using the same scale and axes, allowing them to be easily compared. It uses multiple views to show different partitions of a dataset."

Read any serious visual communication guide and it will invariably highlight this powerful tool we have at our disposal when we have the data (we almost always have the data).

A pair of Small Multiples example quite pertinent to the current times followed by some other good ones:

This graphic captures a running snapshot of the "new case/spread" curve trajectory of individual states

This clearly communicates how each state unemployment picture fared from 1976-2009

This SM visual shows population change over time by country (look at Mexico's growth since 1960)

ChartJS for Data Vizualiizations

I came across ChartJS about 2 years ago while debugging code from another, similar data visualization technology inside an AngularJS app.

ChartJS is a flexible JavaScript data visualization framework which allows for some pretty powerful integrations and customizations

The concept is you have a "<canvas>" DOM element, which you transform into a ChartJS chart via some JavaScript initialization. After that your tasks are simply finding the data you want to render and deciding the options of exactly how you want the chart visual to appear.

You can do some really neat and dynamic stuff with ChartJS.

I have used a lot of charting frameworks, and it does not get more flexible or simple than this:
 <script src=""></script>  
 <canvas id="myChart" style='background-color:darkgray; width:100%; height:100%;'></canvas>  
 var ctx = document.getElementById('myChart').getContext('2d');;  
 var chart = new Chart(ctx, {  
   type: 'line',  
   data: {  
     labels: ['16_Qtr1', '16_Qtr2', '16_Qtr3', '16_Qtr4', '17_Qtr1', '17_Qtr2', '17_Qtr3', '17_Qtr4', '18_Qtr1', '18_Qtr2', '18_Qtr3', '18_Qtr4', '19_Qtr1', '19_Qtr2', '19_Qtr3', '19_Qtr4', '20_Qtr1', '20_Qtr2', '20_tr3', '20_Qtr4', '21_Qtr1', '21_Qtr2', '21_Qtr3', '21_Qtr4','22_Qtr1', '22_Qtr2', '22_Qtr3', '22_Qtr4', '23_Qtr1', '23_Qtr2', '23_tr3', '23_Qtr4'],  
     datasets: [{  
       label: 'Some random quartley demo data..',  
       backgroundColor: 'black',  
       borderColor: 'lime',  
       data: [40.2, 72.88, 47.1, 22, 54.43, 52.18, 17.1, 52, 67.2, 54.88, 64.1, 78, 67.2, 55.88, 58.1, 57, 50.2, 52.88, 57.1, 62, 74.43, 62.18, 67.1, 72, 77.2, 74.88, 74.1, 78, 77.2, 75.88, 78.1, 77, 70.2, 72.88, 77.1, 62, 64.43, 62.18, 67.1, 72, 67.2, 54.88, 44.1, 28, 27.2, 25.88, 38.1, 37, 40.2, 42.88, 44.1, 52, 54.43, 52.18, 67.1, 82, 87.2, 84.88, 84.1, 88, 87.2, 95.88, 108.1, 127]  
    "options": {  
       "legend": {"position": "bottom"}      



Here is a response from the SSSR REST API in action.. (you can access a lot more SSRS item properties and customize at will once you know the API)

The SSRS API v2 has far more functionality than v1, but they essentially work the same. You must be authenticated to the SSRS report server you are targeting (localhost in this case) to make web GET/POST requests to the API.

Once auth'd you can push and pull any useful SSRS data pretty easily to make SSRS do some pretty cool things it can't do out of the box..

This is the SSRS API as accessed through a web browser; simply give your .NET app an HttpClient and you can make use of all these responses; it's just JSON...

You can get a collection of SSRS catalog items as in the example above (folders, reports, KPIs) by just specifying the action name, or you can select an individual item by putting the item GUID in parenthesis in the API request URL:

You can access individual items in the API via GUID in parens after the API action name.

Common Useful SSRS API v2 Actions:
  • Reports
  • Datasets
  • Data Sources
  • Folders
  • Schedules
  • Subscriptions
  • Comments
  • KPIs
  • CatalogItems (everything)

Example of a .NET Standard library with an HttpService abstacting the SSRS API calls:
 namespace ExtRS  
   public class SSRSHttpService  
     const string ssrsApiURI = "https://localhost/reports/api/v2.0";  
     HttpClient client = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler() { UseDefaultCredentials = true });  
         public async Task<GenericItem> GetReportAsync(Guid id)  
       client.BaseAddress = new Uri(ssrsApiURI + string.Format("/reports({0})", id));  
       var response = await client.GetAsync(client.BaseAddress);  
       var odata = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;  
       return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GenericItem>(odata);  
This is verbose to better break down the steps of what is happening on the ExtRS service end

A very basic class designed to demonstrate using SSRS API Response to create a .NET object:
 using Newtonsoft.Json;  
 using System.Collections.Generic;  
 namespace ExtRS  
   public class GenericItem  
     public string ODataContext { get; set; }  
     public string Id { get; set; }  
     public string Name { get; set; }  
     public string Path { get; set; }  
The power of the SSRS API is limited primarily your imagination- lots of customization can be made

And finally, called from a Controller Action in an MVC app:
 using System;  
 using System.Web.Mvc;  
 using System.Threading.Tasks;  
 using ExtRS;  
 namespace Daylite.Controllers  
   public class ReportsController : Controller  
     public SSRSHttpService service = new SSRSHttpService();  
     public async Task<ViewResult> GetReportsAsync()  
       return View("Index", await service.GetReportsAsync());  
     public async Task<ViewResult> GetFoldersAsync()  
       APIGenericItemsResponse result = await service.GetFoldersAsync();  
       return View("Index", result);  
     public async Task<ViewResult> GetReportAsync(Guid id)  
       GenericItem result = await service.GetReportAsync(id);  
       return View("Index", result);  
