Showing posts with label Object-Oriented Design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Object-Oriented Design. Show all posts

The GOF Software Design Patterns at a Glance

If you are serious about developing software, read this book. It contains timeless concepts you should know well.

I. Creational Patterns
1. Abstract Factory - facilitates the creation of similar objects that share interface
2. Builder - dynamic SQL statements and other dynamically constructed code
3. Factory Method - custom way to construct an object (vs. normal/default class constructor)
4. Prototype create new instances by copying existing instances
5. Singleton - assurance of 1 and only 1 instance of an entity in an application

II. Structural Patterns
1. Adapter - a means of making an object compatible with another object via a common interface
2. Bridge - the decoupling of the adaptor/interface and the incompatible items (light switch w/fans)
3. Composite a group of objects treated the same way as a single instance of the same type of object
4. Decorator - adding new functionality to a class via subclass with new methods, props, etc.
5. Façade - simplified interface to a complicated backend
6. Flyweight - reuse of an object instance to create more instances of the same type
7. Proxy - entity serving as a stand-in for the real thing. Often a wrapper for a more complex class.

III. Behavioral Patterns
1. Chain of Responsibility - source command is served by multiple processes with distinct linear roles.
2. Command - encapsulate a request as an object, works great with HttpRequest and user actions
3. Interpreter - dynamic culture and localization settings to display appropriate UI text
4. Iterator - centralize communication among objects that have a common interface (ie. TV remote)
5. Mediator - centralize complex communication and control among related objects
6. Memento - persist and recall object state
7. Observer - a central watcher picks up picks up broadcast messages from everywhere it observes (Twitter)
8. State - persists object state and can react in different ways according to attributes of its current state
9. Strategy - enabling an object to change/choose algorithm(s) at runtime
10. Template Method - great for interfaces; design skeleton w/base needs; allow concretes to implement details
11. Visitor - code execution varies according to visiting object (ie. keyboard keys, mice clicks, WiFi Routers, etc.)


Patterns Simpl: Singleton

It is imperative to ensure atomicity (indivisible-ness) for certain "master" objects in your applications.

Singleton ensures the existence of 1 and only 1 object instance (or version/representation) of an application entity- at all times.

Some examples of Singleton:

If your program somehow winds up with 2 globally-scoped objects of a class that handles bank deposits, let's hope our account gets updated by the one with a larger dollar amount!

In Java, there is a single instance of java.lang.Runtime. If there were more than 1 language instance to interface with the Java application environment, you can see how problems would unfold.

In .NET applications, an application .config file serves as a single source of configuration values.

Log Managers should have 1 and only 1 instance, lest our log files become far too complex to sift through when we are tracking down an application issue.
