Showing posts with label rs:LinkTarget. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rs:LinkTarget. Show all posts

SSRS URL Access Query String Parameters

If you want to hide the parameter UI, skip to a certain page or, as in my case, need to force the "target=_blank  |_self | _parent | _top" attribute of Action URLs in your report, simply add the appropriate SSRS Qs param to the URL of your target report.




In my case, I was running into a scenario where my report link targets were being suppressed in FireFox and IE due to server restrictions on the content surrounding my report view. Simply applying rs:LinkTarget=_top to the report URL query string forced the necessary target=_top to override the undesired behavior. Because this took me longer than I'd think it should take to find the resolution, I have shared this tidbit in the hopes it helps save time for another developer at some point.
