base in C#

The base keyword in C# allows a subclass to access base (superclass) members.

All credit to Suresh Dasari of Tutlane (reference below) on explaining this so effectively in just a few steps of code.

What is shown here is the Details subclass overriding the Users base class' "GetInfo()" method and including the base behavior (Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", name); ... Console.WriteLine("Location: {0}", location); - along with- some new behavior (Console.WriteLine("Age: {0}", base.age);). In this way members can be shared between subtypes and the type they inherit from- in constructors as well as elsewhere in the subclass.

 using System;  
 namespace Tutlane  
   // Base Class  
   public class Users  
     public string name = "Suresh Dasari";  
     public string location = "Hyderabad";  
     public int age = 32;  
     public virtual void GetInfo()  
       Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", name);  
       Console.WriteLine("Location: {0}", location);  
   // Derived Class  
   public class Details : Users  
     public override void GetInfo()  
       Console.WriteLine("Age: {0}", base.age);  
   class Program  
     static void Main(string[] args)  
       Details d = new Details();  
       Console.WriteLine("\nPress Enter Key to Exit..");  



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