Application Walkthroughs with Anno.js

If you need to provide your users a quick intro to your app or new features that you have just released, you might want to give Anno.js a try. Of the several frameworks I sampled, this is was the sharpest looking and easiest to work with (for me, maybe for you too).

To configure:

1). Link to or host the required files in the DemoAnno.html <head> (see code on GitHub).

2). Configure the annoJS object by setting targets (by element selector, '#demo', '.walkDivs', etc.)

3). Create a button and set its onClick() ==; //anno, or the name of the annoJS object

And in 3 simple steps, you have a walkthrough:

All credit to @iamdanfox who created this great .js plug in. Here is the htm page source code, see references below for more:

 <script src=""></script>  
 <script src="anno.js" type="text/javascript"></script>  
 <script src="jquery.scrollintoview.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>  
 <link href="anno.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />  
 <div style="background-color='gray'; margin-left:33%;">  
 <b><i>Use this guided tour to see our latest features!</i></b>  
 <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" onclick=";">Show Tour</button>  
 <div id="demo" style="width:27%;">  
 Your new login button is here: <button name="LOGIN" value="LOGIN">LOGIN</button>  
 <br />  
      var anno = new Anno([{  
       target: '#demo',  
       content: "This is our shiny new left div edge!",  
       buttons: [AnnoButton.NextButton]  
      }, {  
       target: '#demo',  
       content: "...and on the right...",  
       buttons: [AnnoButton.BackButton]  
Note the NextButton and BackButton- these are very useful for app walkthroughs



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